Land on the North side of the Street, Plaistow

Location: Plaistow
Consultation end date: 1 August 2024
Proposal: The proposed is a mix of 15 houses, including 6 affordable

The site is located on the north side of the Street and was previously allocated for housing in the Plaistow and Ifold Neighbourhood Plan 2014- 2029 under Policy H1. The site has also received a positive assessment within the Chichester Local Plan housing and economic land availability assessment (HELAA).


The proposed development has been assessed in consideration of views, access, landscape, materials, functionality, and heritage along with local and regional planning guidance. At this stage we would welcome the local communities’ thoughts on our proposals.

The design principles are to create a residential development to provide contemporary, sustainable and affordable form of living and to take the opportunity to further consider future demands for sustainable delivery and energy-efficiency whilst avoiding detrimental visual impact on the wider context around Plaistow.

Given the local precedents, the final proposal will consider a high-quality design to provide residential use accommodation that promotes conservation through traditional construction techniques, with the typology of the buildings derives from modest in character forms, sympathetic with the existing buildings and its rural context.

The proposal aims to exemplify all aspects of sustainability – the social, economic and environmental sustainability that constitutes sustainable development, economic growth, social progress and to minimise negative impact to protect the natural, built and social environments.


Send us your comments

So that we can keep you updated with events relating to the site please can you confirm your name, address and email below. This information will be used for internal use and will not be circulated to any third parties.

    YesYes with reservationsNo, please comment below:

    Starter homesFamily homesAffordable homesOther (eg retirement) please comment below:

    YesNoDon't know please comment below:

    YesNoDon't know please comment below:

    YesNoDon't know please comment below:

    YesNoDon't know


    Hanging tilesBricksMore contemporary materialsA mix

    YesYes with reservationsNo:


    Land on the North side of the Street, Plaistow

    Former Policy H1 of the Plaistow and Ifold Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029.

    Introduction to the Team
    Why does Plaistow need more housing?
    The Proposed Site
    Community Integration
     Affordable housing
    Public Realm
    Environmental Sustainability
    Landscape and Biodiversity
    Community Led Amenity
    Economic Benefits

    Send us your comments

    So that we can keep you updated with events relating to the site please can you confirm your name, address and email below. This information will be used for internal use and will not be circulated to any third parties.

      YesYes with reservationsNo, please comment below:

      Starter homesFamily homesAffordable homesOther (eg retirement) please comment below:

      YesNoDon't know please comment below:

      YesNoDon't know please comment below:

      YesNoDon't know please comment below:

      YesNoDon't know


      Hanging tilesBricksMore contemporary materialsA mix

      YesYes with reservationsNo:

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